
Release tensions and revitalize with cupping

Relieve your body, reawaken your energy, feel the revival of vitality.

Its benefits

1. Deep relief: cupping focuses on releasing deep muscle tensions, alleviating pains and discomfort for an immediate sense of well-being.

2. Energy stimulation: by improving blood circulation, cupping revitalizes your vital energy, providing a natural boost to your vitality.

3. Quick recovery: ideal for athletes and those with active lifestyles, cupping accelerates muscle recovery and reduces fatigue.


A vacuum is created within the cup by briefly heating the air inside or by using a suction pump. Once the air cools or the pump is released, a vacuum is formed, causing the skin to be drawn into the cup.

The cups are swiftly placed on specific points on the body. The suction created by the cups results in a negative pressure that lifts the skin and superficial muscle layer into the cup.

Cupping can be performed using either a static or dynamic technique. In static cupping, the cups are left in place for a set duration, typically 5 to 15 minutes. In dynamic cupping, the cups may be moved around the skin using massage oil, creating a gliding or sliding effect.

What are the benefits of Cupping:

  1. Pain Relief: Cupping is often used for pain management, providing relief from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and muscle soreness.

  2. Improved Circulation: The suction effect increases blood flow to the cupped area, promoting circulation and facilitating the removal of metabolic waste.

  3. Muscle Relaxation: Cupping can help to release tension in muscles and fascia, promoting relaxation and flexibility.

  4. Detoxification: While more research is needed, some proponents suggest that cupping may aid in the elimination of toxins from the body.

  5. Respiratory Relief: Cupping is sometimes used to address respiratory conditions, such as coughs and congestion.

Cupping may leave temporary marks on the skin, commonly referred to as “cupping marks” or “sha.” Cupping should be performed by trained practitioners to ensure safety and efficacy.

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